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Wednesday, 29 August 2012

The Man's in the Post

I love getting surprise parcels - it doesn't happen often, not that I'm hinting or anything so crass! I've often come across stories of people sending surprise gifts to their loved ones, but none have made me chuckle quite like the story on the Mail website today.
A man, in a fit of romantic enthusiasm, decided to post himself to his girlfriend. He clambered into a large cardboard box, had a friend tape it up and then arranged for the box to be delivered to his girlfriend's office. So far, so sweet, if a little strange. The plan only fell apart when the courier company lost the address and delivery was delayed by three hours. Consequently, when he was finally delivered, far from leaping out of the box for a happy reunion, he was unconscious and had to be revived.
Good job he didn't try that over here. He could still be in a distribution depot off the M1!

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