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Friday 13 November 2015

Affinity and Boldre Wood

I haven't done quite as much practice with Affinity as I had hoped. I've been occupying my time with a psychology course (coursera - University of Toronto) as well as looking at further work on the Boldre Wood Trilogy (more on that to follow).

I have however been looking at improving my logo/ emblem. The reader beneath the tree is nice enough, but I think Quirky Tales deserves a stronger image. What that will be I have yet to decide, but whilst I was mulling ideas I ended up creating a keyboard:

It was surprisingly easy, using Affinity's 3D effect to create the buttons, along with a metallic gradient for the case of the board. The more I use the software the more I like it. Hopefully it will inspire me to come up with a really strong image for Quirky Tales.

Now to Boldre Wood. I realised some time ago that the three books were perhaps a little long for the youngest readers in my target audience. With that in mind I am working on a shortened version of the story. At the moment I'm ploughing through the three books, working out which are the key points and which can be cut without changing the story too much. It's tricky. Some of my favourite scenes will have to be cut from the finished book, but the three full books will still be available even when the shortened version is released. It's going to be a long job, but I'll issue updates as I progress.

Have a great weekend.