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Tuesday, 8 May 2012

The QT Anthologies

The second of the QT Anthologies is nearing completion. It's made up of ten completely new stories, some short, some longer, plus three quite lengthy pieces. I'm quietly pleased with the collection, but it's always nerve-racking making your work available.
The first of the anthologies seems to be going well, with steady downloads from the Smashwords site. I'm having trouble communicating to Kindle Publishing that I want to make the collection available free on their site. I can't morally charge for the first book in the series as all the stories are available to read free online.
I've asked them to price-match with Smashwords but the reply I received this morning suggested they thought I was a potential reader trying to get them to give books away free, rather than the author making a perfectly reasonable request on the pricing of her book. Sometimes it's frustrating to only be able to communicate via email!
Book Two will be simpler as I plan to make a very small charge for that - Kindle, understandably, prefer to sell books rather than give them away.

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