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Thursday, 17 May 2012

Blank Screen

I'm having a bad time of it, work-wise. I just can't seem to get my writing muscles working. I have a story to write for Café ThreeZero's next book, 'Random', a story that was running through my mind when I woke up this morning, ongoing editing of Book Two of the Boldre Wood Trilogy, as well as an urgent need for more stories for both the website and the second anthology. Plenty to do, so why have I been sitting here staring at the dreaded blank screen?
He who fixes the computer advised me to jump in the car and go for a drive, or take a wander into town and sit in a coffee shop for an hour or so, anything rather than sit in front of an idle computer all day. He's right. I know he's right. But I can't bring myself to do it. It would skiving, sneaking out of work, pulling a sickie.
Maybe if I get the story I was thinking about this morning onto paper, it'll clear whatever blockage I've got! Watch this screen! Hopefully it won't be blank for too long!

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