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Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Young at Heart

Our daughter was telling us last night about a recent birthday celebration for one of her housemates. Apparently the evening had begun with a group meal out. They had then returned home to play ... hide and seek. I complimented her on her increasing maturity and remarked how proud we were that she was growing into such a well-rounded and socially assured adult. I'm actually rather jealous. Hide and seek sounds so much more fun than another evening in front of the telly.
But her and her friends' childish games pale in comparison to that of the group of friends who have been playing 'Tag' for the last thirty years. As the group has grown and dispersed across America the ongoing game has required a certain level of commitment and ingenuity, it has also meant that 'Tag' season has to be restricted to the month of February. Devious tactics have been deployed, even including housebreaking. After all, who wants to be 'it' for eleven months?
I applaud all the grown-up kids out there: TAG! You're it!

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