E-publishing is the huge news of the moment. Amazon's Kindle is probably the dominant force in the market, and offers what is becoming an increasingly viable alternative route for authors who cannot find a way through the firmly closed doors of the traditional publishers.
A visit to most of the big publishers' websites, and even a depressingly large number of agents, will reveal there are a vanishingly small number of opportunities for the debut. A deluge of rejections has always been viewed as a rite of passage for new authors, but the message coming from the industry nowadays is almost 'don't even bother'. Dispiriting indeed.
I have a raft of material just sitting in my computer, not being read, gathering digital dust. I don't expect to be the next J.K.Rowling, but I would like some readers. I'm beginning to seriously consider taking the e-pub route. Sadly, that mental image I have nursed since early childhood of my story on a shelf in the bookshop may have to undergo some adjustment.
Hi there, awesome site. I thought the topics you posted on were very interesting. I tried to add your RSS to my feed reader and it a few. take a look at it, hopefully I can add you and follow.
Hi, many thanks for the kind comment. I'm not at all sure about the technical stuff but thankfully my other half knows a thing or two! He gave me this link which should make it possible for you to follow the blog: