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Thursday, 23 February 2012

Catching Up!

It's a sure sign I've had a busy week when I reach the sign in page for my blog and realise I've completely forgotten my password! I've missed adding some interesting news stories to the blog this week thanks to carpets and painting, but I'm happy to report the work is now finished, more or less.
In my trawl of the news sites this morning I found it impossible to choose a story to promote, such was the embarrassment of bizarre riches. So, to round up: we have an MP who has been arrested for headbutting someone in a bar at the House of Commons: Croydon Council cutting down three mature and much loved rowan trees because it received one, yes that's one, complaint about the risk of slipping on the berries: we have the blue gnomes of Totnes causing a stir among some of the rather more sensitive locals who suggest they rather lower the tone: and then there's poor Alex Deakin accidentally slipping an unfortunate profanity into his weather forecast.
It's always the way, isn't it? You wait all week for one good story ... I'll leave you with a gallery of 3D street art from the Telegraph website:
Just 'coz I rather like them!

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