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Friday, 20 December 2013

Advent Update

Good grief, it's been a long time since I posted anything! I have no idea where the last few weeks have gone, but a quick look at Billy 3 reveals that a good deal of it must have been spent writing! So, to the books: I am planning another promotion, if possible for the whole collection, but certainly for Lucky Dip, so anybody in receipt of a Kindle for Christmas (or a tablet, don't forget, you can get a free Kindle app!) can add it to their library.

Shameless, or more accurately, slightly awkward plug out of the way, I had to share this news story with you. I found it on the BBC news site, and it's another Lego one, always a favourite at QT HQ. This one is big, in fact it's an entire car. And it actually goes! On air! Now, I realise it's probably too late for this Christmas, but ...

Actually, scratch that idea. It has no roof, and there is apparently a possible exploding Lego engine issue which I think might ratchet up the insurance premiums. Perhaps I'll stick with my conventional car for now.

I'll post again once I've sorted out the Kindle promotions, but in the meantime, Happy Advent!

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