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Thursday, 25 July 2013

News Roundup

There are a few curious news stories out there today. The first made my blood boil, but is such an important issue that I feel it should get a shout on this blog. This is the story of the army sergeant who will be made redundant just three days before he qualifies for his full army pension. If this were a lone case I might dismiss it as unfortunate, but it's cropping up again and again. There are so many service personnel facing similar situations that it seems clear this a ploy by the government and the MOD to cut the cost of giving the nation's heroes a proper pension. So, if you see an MP down the pub or, more likely, on the sun-drenched beaches of the Bahamas, bend their ear about it. Please. Those who risk their lives to keep us safe deserve infinitely better treatment.
Moving on, I was touched by the photographs of former US president George H W Bush who shaved his head as a show of support for the young son of one his security detail. The little boy is battling leukaemia, a disease that has also touched the Bush family. The ex-president decided to shave his head after seeing that various members of his security detail had done so. Best wishes to little Patrick for a speedy return to full health.
And finally, I have important health and safety advice for anybody stepping outside in the current stormy weather: wear your husband's leaky old wellington boots. Actually, I'm not sure the fact that they were old and leaking is significant and in all probability ownership is not important, but it adds colour to the tale. This is the story of the lady who was struck by lightening whilst holding a brolly, who survived with little more than pins and needles thanks to the fact that she was wearing rubber wellies.
(P.S. It's also worth bearing in mind that holding a brolly during a thunderstorm could be hazardous to your ongoing good health, whether or not your footwear of choice has a rubber sole.)

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